International Journal of Surgery 12 (2), 2014, 141-145
Validation Studies
Independent validation of the VOXEL-MAN training simulators is a major concern to us. The following studies were published by various institutions in leading international journals.
Assessment of Skills Using a Virtual Reality Temporal Bone Surgery Simulator
Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 33 (4), 2013, 273-281
Objective Skills Assessment and Construct Validation of a Virtual Reality Temporal Bone Simulator
Otology & Neurotology 33 (7), 2012, 1225-1231
Technical Skills Improve after Practice on Virtual-Reality Temporal Bone Simulator
Laryngoscope 122 (6), 2012, 1385-1391
Objective Assessment of Learning Curves for the Voxel-Man TempoSurg Temporal Bone Surgery Computer Simulator
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 126 (7), 2012, 663-669
Face and Content Validation of a Virtual Reality Temporal Bone Simulator
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 146 (3), 2012, 497-503